Catherine×Lysithea Support Conversations
C Support
カトリーヌ: 朝はあんなに晴れてたのに、一気に土砂降りだねえ……。
Catherine: It was so sunny this morning, but now it's absolutely pouring.
リシテア: あ、雷まで鳴り出しましたね……。濡れる前に洗濯物を取り込めて幸いでした。
Lysithea: Did you hear the thunder just now? Good thing we got all the clothes indoors before all the skies opened up. I apologize for troubling you with this task.
カトリーヌ: 気にすんなって。たまたま近くにいたから手伝っただけさ。
Catherine: Don't worry about it. I was just passing by and thought I could help. I know how frustrating it is to have your newly dried clothes soaked by rain.
リシテア: ………………。
Lysithea: …
カトリーヌ: どうした?洗濯物が無事で良かったじゃないか。
Catherine: What's wrong? We managed to keep all of the clothes dried, didn't we?
リシテア: ……わたしが洗濯当番の時に雨が降るの、異様に多い気がするんですよね。
Lysithea: It's just...odd. Every time it's my turn to wash the clothing, there's a sudden downpour.
Surely it must be an inconvenient coincidence, but I can't help feeling as though I'm somehow to blame for it.
カトリーヌ: なるほど。……確かにリシテアのせいかもしれんね。
Catherine: Ah, I see. That probably is your fault.
リシテア: え!?カ、カトリーヌ様まで、そんなこと……!
Lysithea: Wow, you're even harsher than I am!
カトリーヌ: アンタ、カロンの紋章を宿してるだろ?
Catherine: You have a Crest of Charon, don't you?
リシテア: は、はい。そうですけど……。よくご存じでしたね。
Lysithea: I do, yes, but—Hold on a moment. How did you know that?
カトリーヌ: いや、何となくわかるんだよ。アタシもカロンの紋章持ちさ。
Catherine: I can just tell. I have Crest of Charon too. And I've noticed that, whenever I need dry weather, there's rain. Don't you think it's our Crests making the rain fall upon us?
リシテア: それって、大発見じゃないですか!?紋章が、天候を左右するだなんて……!
Lysithea: How had I never connected this? This is quite a revelation! A Crest affecting the weather!
カトリーヌ: はっはっは!ほんとかどうかなんて知らないよ!
Catherine: Well, I don't know how true it is. There are only the two of us, which is a pretty small sample of people.
リシテア: まあそうですが、仮説が立てられた以上は検証しなければなりません。
Lysithea: I suppose that's true. So...we must test our hypothesis!
Hmm... Maybe we can find someone who tends bring the sunshine around—that would be especially handy for helping out with the wash.
カトリーヌ: そりゃいい、それでも雨が降りゃあ、カロンの紋章の勝ちってわけだ。
Catherine: Now, there's an idea!
B Support
カトリーヌ: リシテア、少しいいかい?
Catherine: Lysithea, do you have a moment?
リシテア: は、はい。カトリーヌ様。何でしょうか?
Lysithea: I do. What do you need to speak with me about?
カトリーヌ: 前に、紋章が天候を左右するかも、みたいな話をしたよな?
Catherine: I was thinking about the time we talked about our Crests bringing bad weather.
リシテア: はい、晴れ男と晴れ女が見つからなくて、まだ検証中の段階ですけど。
Lysithea: Hm, yes. We never did get to test that theory, since I haven't found any sun-bringing folks.
カトリーヌ: それはそれとして、紋章ごとに何らかの特徴があるのは知られてる話だ。
Catherine: Joking aside, each Crest is unique in how it impacts the bearer's life. I've seen more than my share of Crest-bearers, after all. Some of them bore Crests of Charon, like us... Some even bore Crests of Gloucester.
リシテア: ……!そ、それが何か……。
Lysithea: Certainly, but I don't see your point.
カトリーヌ: アタシは紋章学者じゃないから、紋章ごとの特徴とかほんとのとこはわからんけどさ。
Catherine: I'm not a Crest scholar. I don't know all the details... But I have a knack for guessing a person's Crest just by looking at them.
リシテア: ………………。
Lysithea: …
カトリーヌ: 間違ってたら許せ。アンタ、紋章を2つ宿しているだろ?
Catherine: Forgive me, but... Do you have two Crests?
リシテア: そ、それは……。
Lysithea: Er, um, well...
カトリーヌ: あー、いや、答えなくていいさ。そんなの普通じゃあり得ない話だ。
Catherine: You don't have to tell me. I mean, it shouldn't even be possible to bear two Crests. So if you do have two, you must be sitting on some major secrets.
リシテア: ……お察しください。
Lysithea: It's nice to know that someone understands...
カトリーヌ: いいよ、誰にだって隠したい事情の一つや二つあるもんさ。
Catherine: Of course. Everyone has things they would rather not talk about.
For all you know, Catherine's not my real name. Maybe I'm an outlaw, on the run from my homeland!
リシテア: ええっ!?さらっと何を……!
Lysithea: That can't be true, can it?! Stop messing with me!
カトリーヌ: ははっ、良い反応だな。ただの仮の話だよ。……どう受け取ってもいいけどな。
Catherine: I was kidding! Though who knows, maybe there is some truth in it. My point is, no matter what secrets we're keeping, I'm still me and you're still you. I do worry a little about you. You never seem to let your guard down around other people. That can't be easy. You know, it's important for you to relax once in a while.
リシテア: 抜く……。でも、気の抜き方なんて、わたしにはわかりません。
Lysithea: I don't even know the meaning of the word.
カトリーヌ: 簡単さ。誰かと馬鹿みたいな話をすりゃ、それだけで少しは気が抜ける。
Catherine: That's easy! Just gab with your friends about something pointless and the stress will fade away! I'm always happy to chat, if you're interested.
リシテア: ……ありがとうございます。でも、どうしてそんなに親切に……?
Lysithea: Well... Thank you. Why are you being so kind to me, anyway?
カトリーヌ: 親近感って奴か?同じカロンの紋章を持つ者同士……
Catherine: I just feel a certain kinship with you. We both have Crests of Charon, and we both have secrets we can't share with anyone.
リシテア: ふふっ、そういうことなら、喜んでカトリーヌ様の親切、お受けします。
Lysithea: I see. I will say I'm happy to have someone around who actually seems to understand me.
カトリーヌ: ああ、遠慮はなしだよ。同じ紋章がありゃ、姉妹みたいなもんさ。
Catherine: Good! You can feel comfortable with me. Since we have the same Crest, we're basically sisters.
リシテア: 嬉しい! カトリーヌ様がお姉様だったら、こんなに頼もしいことはありません。
Lysithea: Aww. I...I really like that. Someone as wonderful as you as my big sister?
カトリーヌ: おや、可愛いこと言うじゃんか。流石は我が妹だな。はっはははは!
Catherine: Well, don't you just say the cutest things. That's my little sister for you!